Concert Information – August 26, 2017 – Victoria Beach

I can’t believe it’s that time already! But, here we are, minutes (it feels!) away from Victoria Beach! This is a long blow, folks. But it is a fun one and well worth the trek!

The administrative stuff:

Cars are not permitted past the parking area, but we have special dispensation for 2 shuttle vehicles to move gear (and people who have mobility issues). The shuttles will be near the guard building and will make trips to and from the bandstand as required.

Please aim to arrive early! Bodies should be in chairs by 1:30 pm as we will definitely have to perform the Band Shuffle! (It may even require an encore).

We are playing under a canopy, but there’s a built-in picnic table that wreaks havoc on our seating arrangement. (Happens every year). So I can pretty much guarantee that unless you play percussion, you’re going to have a different vantage point of me. Also, you are likely not going to sit beside your regular neighbour. We try to keep sections together as best we can, but, life happens. (This is why early arrival is critical – it lets you stake out your section’s real estate). Forewarned is forearmed.

We will play about 45 minutes or so, take about a 20 minute break, then play another 45 minutes. I will probably talk a bit more than usual in order to help you give your chops a rest.

After the gig, we will retire to the Woolisons’ cottage for a barbecue ($5/person, BYOB) and fellowship. Shenanigans may ensue.

Some things to consider when it comes to playing outside:

  • You will not be able to hear yourself.
  • You may not be able to hear much from anyone else, as though a thick layer of cotton batting is stuffed into your ears (you may even check that to make sure. A couple of times).
  • It will feel like you’re blowing your face off and your horn is not producing like it should. It may make you question whether your horn is broken, whether you’re broken, if life has any meaning at all, or whether you’re trapped in a hallucination (No? Those last two are just me? Well, carry on, then).
  • You will definitely not hear things the way you’re used to hearing them – we won’t be sitting in the same spots and the air devours our sound.
  • It will feel weird and you will feel an overpowering urge – in every fibre of your being – to overblow like you’ve never blown before. (I am not even kidding).

So, what do we do about this? Well, I’m glad you asked.

Stay calm.

Watch me.

Trust me.

Trust me.

Trust your preparation.

I’m serious – Trust me. I will guide you.

Play the way you normally play – dynamics, expression, etc – unless I override that! Sometimes weird things happen out there and we need more cowbell – I mean, we’re OBOE with band accompaniment (that really did happen, by the way) – or something completely different.

And did I mention? Trust me.

Concert dress is our standard: black bottoms and Millennium t-shirt/forest green top/black top.

Warm Up starts at 1:55 pm – we’ll probably do a couple of scales – let’s say F and Bb to change it up a bit.

Concert Programme:

11 – Cartoon Symphony
64 – Bolero
4 – Standard of St George
58 – Les Miserables
59 – Super Mario – Click this link to watch the video!
2 – Michelle/Eleanor Rigby/Yesterday
22 – The Stripper


17 – Eine Kleine Rockmusik
9 – Arabian Dances
1 – The 80s
40 – Windjammer
25 – Blue Orchid
63 – Hallelujah
36 – Space and Beyond

Make sure you are practising good self-care! Expect to require hats, sunscreen, insect repellent. Bring lots of water with you – this is thirsty work!

If you are able to bring one person (and his oboe) to Victoria Beach, we are looking for a ride. James lives near St Vital Centre and has no way to get to Victoria Beach as of this writing. Please email the address if you’re able to help out and I’ll facilitate the connection.

See you at the beach!

Happy playing!


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